Gerlt Technologies makes hundreds of customizable rack effects, at prices comparable to guitar pedals.  It's time to dump that pedal board and get Your Tone off the floor!


 What We Do

You know them as guitar pedals

We build them as rack effect modules you can customize to get Your Tone

Put several rack effect modules into a 3U rack enclosure

Connect power and audio on the back like guitar pedals, adding connections for remote switching

Add a remote footswitch unit to turn rack effects on and off

Add as many rack effect modules, enclosures, and third-party products as you like. Plug in your guitar and amp. Rock it! It's that simple.


Quick Hits:

  • Check out our GT Effects Overview to see why we do this

  • Check out our Compares To charts to see the full list of effects we offer

  • Follow the menus from Products, to Modules, to Modules By Type to get a list of our effect types.  Select any effect type to get a list of all our effects of that type.  Select any effect to get full information including pricing.



Hello Effects Fans!

I hope your 2025 is off to a good start!

This is just a quick note to let you know that we are back to normal shipping after the holiday break.  We may have another shipping interruption later in the Spring due to travel, but the dates are not yet firm.  I'll provide an update when we have it sorted out.

All the best,

Bill Gerlt

President, Gerlt Technologies

16 January, 2025




Hello, Effects Fans!

Today we announce our new Buzz Drive module.  Our Buzz Drive is available in several configurations that compare to two versions of the Craig Anderton Tube Sound Fuzz, the Moosapotamus Tube Steak Fuzz, an unnamed Japanese overdrive circuit, the Way Huge Red Llama, the Way Huge Fat Sandwich, and the Mad Professor Stone Grey Distortion.

What do all of those effects have in common?  They all achieve their overdrive, distortion, and light fuzz tones by using CMOS inverter chips instead of op amps or transistors.  Inverter chips give a unique tube-y sounding drive with good sustain.  Another characteristic of their tone is that it stays nice and articulate without getting flubby when there is a lot of bass in the signal.  Most overdrive and distortion effects trim off bass to prevent muddiness, but that isn't as big of an issue when inverter chips provide the drive.  As a result, these configurations tend to work well for bass.

Since there are so many configurations, along with several options for modifications, we won't cover all the details here.  You can see all the info about our Buzz Drive module at: Buzz Drive.  Or look for it in the Overdrive Modules section under Products -> Modules -> Modules By Type.