If we're awake, Support is open!
Please realize that we don't have dedicated Support personnel. Everyone is doing 1001 things to bring you the best effects possible. The hours get a bit hectic and we have to manage our time and focus carefully. We also don't have our order and customer management systems online yet. For now, we rely on email, Facebook, and our website as our primary communication methods.
If you have questions, please check the How To, FAQ, News, and other informational sections of our site. We're working to get useful content there as quickly as we can. If you cannot find what you need, please do not hesitate to send us an email.
We try to get through email multiple times per day on weekdays, but sometimes we don't respond until "off hours", often late at night. We do try to respond to everything the same day we receive it, as quickly as we can. If we are going to be away from email for some reason, we will post a notification on the website or have an auto-responder message to let you know our response may be delayed.
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You can also find us on Facebook at:
Like and Follow us on Facebook to get occasional updates about new features and products, promotions, shows, and other news from us!
We are getting an increasing amount of spam email and phone calls, enough that we could easily lose a legitimate contact as we sort through the junk. We will share our phone number with legitimate customers and prospects, but no longer provide it publicly to be abused. If we don't respond within 24 hours to your email, we may well have lost it in the junk. Send us another email or contact us through Facebook if that happens. We are here!!!