Gerlt Technologies makes hundreds of customizable rack effects, at prices comparable to guitar pedals.  It's time to dump that pedal board and get Your Tone off the floor!


 What We Do

You know them as guitar pedals

We build them as rack effect modules you can customize to get Your Tone

Put several rack effect modules into a 3U rack enclosure

Connect power and audio on the back like guitar pedals, adding connections for remote switching

Add a remote footswitch unit to turn rack effects on and off

Add as many rack effect modules, enclosures, and third-party products as you like. Plug in your guitar and amp. Rock it! It's that simple.


Quick Hits:

  • Check out our GT Effects Overview to see why we do this

  • Check out our Compares To charts to see the full list of effects we offer

  • Follow the menus from Products, to Modules, to Modules By Type to get a list of our effect types.  Select any effect type to get a list of all our effects of that type.  Select any effect to get full information including pricing.



Hello Effects Fans!

I hope your 2025 is off to a good start!

This is just a quick note to let you know that we are back to normal shipping after the holiday break.  We may have another shipping interruption later in the Spring due to travel, but the dates are not yet firm.  I'll provide an update when we have it sorted out.

All the best,

Bill Gerlt

President, Gerlt Technologies

16 January, 2025


Hello, Effects Fans!

In spite of our continued summer weather, it’s officially Fall, so you know what that means (besides football and hockey). It’s time for the 2019 Amigo International Guitar Show in Ft Worth on Oct 5 and 6! Come join us for a weekend of browsing loads of gear. There’s always something there I need. Well, maybe I don’t “need” it, but you know what I mean.

If you’re looking for new effects to change up your tone options, or it’s time for a pedal board upgrade, or you’d like to see a different approach to effects that doesn’t involve the hassles of pedal boards, stop by the Gerlt Technologies booth and check out our huge variety of rack effects, hand-built in Dallas. We’re easy to spot with our Big Stack of racked effects. We offer well over 200 effect modules that compare to pedals and effects you know, and maybe a few you don’t know. We’ll have somewhere around 20 – 25 racks of effects in our Big Stack, almost 200 individual modules. While it looks like something from NASA, it’s really simple – there’s just a lot of it. It’s the rack equivalent of seeing 20 pedal board setups side-by-side. We’ll explain it and show you how it all works. Everyone that has ever used a pedal understands it right away. We’ve released quite a number of new modules since last year’s show in Ft Worth, so there’s plenty of new stuff to try out. We’ve rearranged them a bit to make trying them out quicker and easier.

With our unique rack effects design, you can get your gear off the floor and “go pro” at a fraction of yesteryear’s high rack effects costs. We’re working to keep our prices comparable to quality pedals in a good pedal board setup. We’re pretty close to that. We don’t have high “list prices” that we occasionally lower to “sale prices” or “show prices”. Instead, we keep pricing as low as we can all the time so you don’t have some fake time pressure to get a good deal or else “miss out”. Mass-produced pedals on the floor, rack modules custom-built in the USA by hand for you, prices close – no brainer! Check out the “GT Effects” section at our website, GT Effects Overview, for our product overview info which you can use to convince your “finance committee” that not only will it sound great and be uber-cool, but it is actually a good idea for several practical and cost reasons.

We use a variety of vintage NOS and modern parts on our boards to give you killer vintage and updated tones to choose from, all built to last lifetimes, easy and inexpensive to maintain for many years to come. You can keep it simple by choosing from over 200 standard configurations, or change up configs to be the way you want them with choices from hundreds of mods, optional features, or different components, many at no additional cost. To see our full list of module configurations, look for the “Compares To” page under Products, then Modules. Or go to Products, Modules, then Modules By Type (eg Overdrive, Fuzz, Phaser, etc) to navigate to the details about individual modules, including mods, options, and pricing. There’s a lot of info there, but it’s easy to figure out and we’re happy to help. Our Start Up Bundles can help get you going with your setup configuration. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Just drop us a line and ask about it. We’re always developing new modules, mods, and options, and we’re happy to look into any requests you may have.

The Amigo International Guitar Show provides a great opportunity to stop by and try out something new, even if you aren’t quite ready yet. Don’t worry, you won’t be walking into a sales ambush. We won’t subject you to any hard-sell tactics, murky technical mumbo-jumbo, or tone snobbery. Music is a combination of art, craft, and engineering. If our engineering can help you craft your art, we’d be delighted to have the opportunity to work with you. We enjoy meeting new friends and having fun, telling you about our gear and letting you try it out. Join us to discuss the details, plug in, and have fun! Be sure to Follow us on Facebook for occasional updates about new products, shows, and other news.

Hope to see you in Ft Worth Oct 5 and 6. Here are the details for the show:

Go Cowboys and Stars!

Bill Gerlt

Gerlt Technologies
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