Gerlt Technologies makes hundreds of customizable rack effects, at prices comparable to guitar pedals.  It's time to dump that pedal board and get Your Tone off the floor!


 What We Do

You know them as guitar pedals

We build them as rack effect modules you can customize to get Your Tone

Put several rack effect modules into a 3U rack enclosure

Connect power and audio on the back like guitar pedals, adding connections for remote switching

Add a remote footswitch unit to turn rack effects on and off

Add as many rack effect modules, enclosures, and third-party products as you like. Plug in your guitar and amp. Rock it! It's that simple.


Quick Hits:

  • Check out our GT Effects Overview to see why we do this

  • Check out our Compares To charts to see the full list of effects we offer

  • Follow the menus from Products, to Modules, to Modules By Type to get a list of our effect types.  Select any effect type to get a list of all our effects of that type.  Select any effect to get full information including pricing.



Hello Effects Fans!

I hope your 2025 is off to a good start!

This is just a quick note to let you know that we are back to normal shipping after the holiday break.  We may have another shipping interruption later in the Spring due to travel, but the dates are not yet firm.  I'll provide an update when we have it sorted out.

All the best,

Bill Gerlt

President, Gerlt Technologies

16 January, 2025


A big Texas “Thank You!” to all our new friends who stopped by our booth at the guitar show in Franklin this past weekend to play and check out our gear. Nastasha and I really enjoyed chatting with all of you and we look forward to our continued discussions about your specific configurations and needs.

Many of you shared your experience and expertise with us in the form of suggestions and requests for additions to our product offering. The most requested was a volume pedal module, by far. We especially appreciate that type of feedback. Most of the things you requested are either somewhere in our R&D process or at least on the list of potential new products we are already considering. We’re going to look at our R&D plans and juggle some priorities to get some of those requests out sooner. Keep an eye on the News section of our home page and on our Facebook page for updates as we get our plans adjusted. We’ll be working on a “Nashville” rack config you can try out next time we’re there. I have a pretty good idea what to put in it, but would welcome any suggestions you have for specific effects that are popular in Nashville. Just reply here or drop us a note at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We’re still unpacking and getting ourselves organized again, but we’ll be adding some photos from the show here as soon as we can dig them out of our truckload of equipment and get them posted.

If you have plans to come to Dallas, you can see us at the Dallas International Guitar Festival, Fri – Sun, May 3 – 5. That’s a good guitar show, but it’s also a good time for hanging out and listening to the many famous and local performers that are scheduled throughout the weekend. Google it up and check out their performance schedule. Hope to see you there!

Stars and Predators in the first round of the Cup playoffs – are you kidding me?!?!

(Check out the pictures from the Nashville show on our Facebook page in April, 2019)