- Published: 12 September 2018 12 September 2018
You know how sometimes you plan something for a long time and when it finally happens, it doesn’t really live up to expectations? Well, sometimes when you plan something for a long time and it finally happens it can be even better than you ever expected! That happened here at Gerlt Technologies this week when busy schedules aligned and Texas guitar-slinger Hunter Howell stopped by for a sound check. Hunter is a talented player, and he is particular about his tone. Like most of us, he enjoys hearing and experimenting with a range of effects. But in the end, it comes down to what is useful, whether it is an “always on” component of his base sound, some juice for a solo, or just a brief flash of a little something extra to put smiles on our faces. When he is playing, you can tell the music comes from his heart to his fingertips, and from there passes through some “other stuff” before it finds our welcoming ears. It is a humbling experience when our effects can be that “other stuff”, providing him with tools he could use to craft his tone during his visit.
Many thanks to Hunter for making time to stop by and sound check our gear, even though he and his Shaker Hymns bandmates are making a record, gigging, and managing the 101 things bands have to manage so that the rest of us can just show up and hear live music. We’re already incorporating his thoughts and feedback into our products, so we’re extra-stoked to be able to share the results with everyone at the Ft Worth guitar show in early October. If you have time, come out and bend a string at our booth!
You can find Hunter and Shaker Hymns on Facebook. Check it out: https://www.facebook.com/shakerhymns/