Order Changes
Your order is not placed until you have paid the Order Deposit. Before you pay the deposit, any aspect of the order is subject to change. All changes will require your approval, of course.
The specs and configurations in your order are not finalized until both you and Gerlt Technologies agree to them and the Order Deposit is placed. We will not accept Order Deposits until the specs and configurations are finalized. If order changes are requested after the configurations are finalized, the configurations are no longer finalized. Any ongoing work on the order will stop until the order is again finalized.
Once your have placed an order and the Order Deposit for the order has been paid, changes must be carefully managed and are generally discouraged. However, there are situations when you or Gerlt Technologies may request an order change. You can request changes at any time, which we will attempt to accommodate, depending on the status of the order and nature of the change. Once orders are in the process of being built, changes may be difficult, costly, and/or result in delays. We cannot anticipate every possible type of change, or their impact to a specific order. Following are some examples and guidelines of what will happen under certain circumstances.
If you request a change to the specs or configs of an order before we begin building it, we will work through the process of updating the specs and configuration until the order is finalized and approved again. This may result in changes to the Remaining Order Payment and/or result in delays in building the order.
If you change the billing or shipping address for an order, we may have to update the shipping cost or sales tax, which could result in changes to the Remaining Order Payment amount.
Generally, when you place your order and pay your Order Deposit, we will procure and set aside custom or difficult-to-source parts so that they will be available when we are ready to build your order. Sometimes when we start building the order we will find that those parts do not meet our specs. This is a rare occurrence, most likely to happen when we discover clever counterfeit parts or other subtle defects or out-of-spec situations for parts. Correcting such problems may require delays, or the possible use of substitute parts. If that were to happen, we would work through the options with you. We will do our best to minimize delays, but they may be out of our control while we wait for replacement parts. We will also try to make sure that the changes do not result in an increase in the Remaining Order Payment amount. However, there may be situations when you may choose to use more expensive options or parts we have on hand instead of experience a delay while we source replacement parts, which could result in an increase in the Remaining Order Cost. Or substituting lower cost parts or changing options could also result in a decrease in the Remaining Order Amount. Again, this should be very uncommon and we will work with you on options and pricing. We don't like the idea of changing specs or increasing costs for reasons out of your control or ours, but it may occasionally be unavoidable.
Some of our products have many options and configurations. We have not and cannot test all possible combinations of options and configurations. The guidelines for choosing the final specs and configurations may include information about option and configuration incompatibilities, but due to complexities or unknowns, these guidelines may have errors that would permit selection of invalid or incompatible configurations or options. We may not realize this until we start building and testing the product. Should that happen, we will work with you to adjust the specs and configuration so that the product can be built correctly. The Remaining Order Payment may be adjusted during this process, with your approval.
If we encounter a serious design, build, or part supply problem or other serious issue with your order, we reserve the right to give you extra options for your order, including options that would normally not comply with our policies. These would only be extreme and unexpected situations where we find we cannot build the products to your specs due to problems that we cannot reasonably address with other options. In those cases we may work with you to cancel your order in full or in part, upgrade or change the specs to acceptable alternatives, or otherwise do our utmost to provide you with alternative specs or configurations and pricing that meets your approval.