
Our most-modded, most options effect by far




The Pi fuzz rack effect module compares to many, many pedals that are based on the EHX Big Muff Pi.  We offer dozens of configurations that compare to many vintage EHX versions, as well as many of the popular clones, knock-offs, and derivatives that are excellent pedals in their own right.  Players may be surprised to find that a very large number of pedals are Big Muff Pi circuits that have been tweaked, lightly modified, or outright copied.  Look through our list of configurations below and you'll probably be surprised to find some of them are Pi configs.  We offer so many configurations and options that you should be able to get the exact Pi you've always wanted, even if it was never built before. 



The Electro Harmonix Big Muff Pi is one of the most popular pedals of all times.  It is also probably the most-copied, most-cloned, and most-modified effect circuit of all times. It's decades-long history is a tale in itself, far beyond what we will attempt in any way here.  To find out pretty much anything that is known about the Big Muff Pi, you must visit Kit Rae's Big Muff Pi site.  Just search for his name and "Big Muff" and you'll find it.  In fact, you will probably need to visit his site if you plan to choose one of our Pi configurations.  We use his naming convention for some of the many Big Muff Pi (BMP) circuits.

While the BMP has been almost continuously in production for over 40 years, the core circuit design has remained intact.  The different versions of the pedal differ mostly in component types and values used in the circuit.  On top of the large number of intended different versions, many, many other versions were actually manufactured using slight different component values when the intended components were unavailable.  As a result of all the intended and unintended different versions (many dozens), it is difficult to differentiate between them in any way other than getting into specific technical components that were used.  In some cases, there is a rough correlation between circuits and the enclosures, colors, and graphics.  In other cases, there were just too many variants to even define a typical tone or sound profile to them.

Almost as soon as the first BMP hit the market, other companies started copying and cloning them.  This practice continues to this day.  Many players may be unaware that a large number of popular pedals are really BMP circuits inside.  More modern derivatives have included a dizzying array of modifications and options to add into the mix of circuit variations.  We support a very wide variety of these circuits on our Pi board.  Since we support them all on the same board, it is possible to mix and match mods, options, and original circuits in ways not normally possible to create your own BMP variant.  It may be tempting to end up with a GT Pi module with a dozen or so controls, as opposed to the normal three controls.  We recommend not getting carried away.  Many of the options do similar things, or would counteract each other.  It's probably best to consider picking a BMP circuit that you like, or one you almost like, and then add mods or options to get you from there to the BMP you want.  If you have a specific BMP circuit you would like, but don't see a configuration for it, let us know.  There are undoubtedly many other versions we can build on our board.

One version of the BMP, did not use the same circuit design.  Instead of the normal 4-transistor design, it used op amps to create a completely different fuzz circuit.  The only relation it has to the BMP is its name.  Everything else is different.  We offer that version separate as our IC Pi.

Please note that there are many opinions about the various versions of the BMP circuit and magical components they may use.  GT, as well as numerous other effects builders, have found that you can produce outstanding BMP effects using all current production parts.  You definitely do not have to use uber-rare and expensive components to get great muff tones.  It is also true that the variations from one "identical" unit to another may result in tones that are more different than the tones of two distinctly different variants.  Many of the component differences between versions are very small, and could well be swamped by parts value tolerances.  While the variations are different, almost all are going to sound like Big Muffs. 



The tables below show the various configurations we offer.  The "V1" table has original Triangle circuits.  The "V2" table has original Ram's Head circuits.  The "V3 - V9" table has original Tone Bypass, Russian/Sovtek, and the V9, which was the first version when the BMP was brought back to the USA from Russia.  Note that the V4 and V5 Op Amp Big Muff Pi circuits are offered separately as our IC Pi.  We don't presently offer the newer versions of the BMP.  The "Derivatives" tables list a number of BMP derivatives, clones, and copies that we offer our versions of.  In the tables we list some of the key parts of each circuit so you can see how they differ.  Any Original Circuit name that begins with KR is a reference to one of Kit Rae's circuit configurations at his Big Muff Pi site.  Components and features shown in the table are the defaults that will be provided with that configuration.  Other options, mods, and components are available as Options.

The diagram below shows the base BMP circuit, labeling some parts.  These parts are referenced in the Configuration tables and Options, and can also be used to describe customizations you may want.


Basic circuit without mods or options


Parts in the basic circuit:

  • Input Capacitor:  C1
  • Input Resistor:  R1
  • Feedback Resistors:  R2, R8, R13
  • Bypass Capacitors:  C2, C6, C9
  • Clipping Capacitors:  C5, C8
  • Clipping Diodes:  D1, D2, D3, D4
  • Transistors:  Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4
  • Coupling Capacitors:  C3, C4, C7, C12, C13
  • Limiting Resistors:  R7, R12
  • Tone Stack:  C10, R17, C11, R18, Tone
  • Collector Resistors:  R4, R10, R15, R21
  • Emitter Resistors:  R5, R11, R16, R22
  • Bias Resistors:  R3, R9, R14, R19, R20
  • Sustain:  Sus
  • Sustain Resistor:  R6
  • Volume:  Volume


Please note that the IC Pi is based on the op amp versions of the Big Muff Pi.  That is a completely different circuit, having nothing in common with the normal Big Muff Pi except its name.  Here are the details for the IC Pi


V1 Circuits

Configuration First Pi Delta Pi V1 3uF Pi Beast Pi Green Pi Fox Pi V1 72 Pi Clone Pi
Original Circuit KR 66#5 KR 66#5b KR 66#8 KR 66#6 KR 66#11 KR 67#1 KR 72#1 KR 72#2
Controls Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain
Transistors 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089
Clipping Diodes 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914
Bypass Capacitors 500pF 500pF 500pF 500pF 500pF 500pF 500pF 560pF
Other Features                


V2 Circuits

Configuration V2 47 Pi V2 73 Pi Violet Pi Purple Pi White Pi V2 75 Pi V2 751 Pi Box Pi V2 76 Pi
Original Circuit KR 47 KR 73 Violet v1 Violet v2 White Can KR hand drawn KR 75#1 Box Cap KR 76#1
Controls Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain
Transistors 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 2N5089 BC239C BC239, BC239C 2N5087 PNP
Clipping Diodes 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914 1N914
Bypass Capacitors 470pF 470pF 470pF 560pF 680pF 500pF 560pF 470pF 560pF
Other Features                  


V3 - V9 Circuits

Configuration Red Pi Black Pi Bye Bye Pi Army Pi Tall Pi Bubble Pi Big Black Pi Petite Black Pi American Pi
Original Circuit KR 76#3 KR 79#2 Tone Bypass Sovtek Red Army Overdrive, Early Sovtek Civil War Later Sovtek Civil War, Sovtek Tall Font Sovtek Bubble Font Sovtek Black Big Box Sovtek Black Small Box V9 USA Big Muff Pi
Controls Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain
Transistors BC239, BC239C MPSA18 2N5088 KT3102EM KT3102EM KT3102EM BC549C BC549C 2N5088
Clipping Diodes 1N4148 1N4148 1N4148 KD521A KD521V KD522B KD522B KD522B 1N6263
Bypass Capacitors 470pF 470pF 470pF 430pF 500pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 470pF
Other Features   Tone Bypass Switch Tone Bypass Switch            


Derivative Circuits - A

Configuration Colossal Pi Dream Pi Elk Pi Vixen Pi British Pi Corn Pi Top Pi Dirt Pi Cow Pi
Original Circuit MojoHandFX Colossus Sustain Punch Creamy Dreamer Elk Big Muff Sustainar Guild Foxey Lady Pete Cornish G-2 Pete Cornish P-2 Top Tone DG-2 Hohner Tri-Dirty Booster Earth Quaker Devices Hoof
Controls Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain  Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain
Transistors 2N5088 2N5089 2SA733P 2N5089 BC549C BD549C BC549C 2N5089 2N3904
Clipping Diodes 1N4148 1N914 1N914 1N4148 1N949 (Ge) 1N914 1N949, 1N914 / 1N949, 1N914 1N4148 red LED
Bypass Capacitors 560pF 470pF 560pF 470pF 1000pF 470pF 1000pF 500pF 470pF
Other Features Input Capacitor Switch, Mids Control       Input buffer Input buffer      


Derivative Circuits - B

Configuration OD-850 Pi OD-9 Pi Creator Pi Jumbo Pi Woodchuck Pi Ram Pi Diver Pi Boosted Pi
Original Circuit Ibanez OD-850 v1 and v2, Maxon D&S OD-801 Ibanez OD-850 v3, Ibanez OD-9 (original) Jordan Creator Sola/Colorsound Jumbo Tonebender BYOC Large Beaver (Triangle) BYOC Large Beaver (Ram's Head) DiceWorks Muff Diver Finale Blackout Effectors Musket
Controls Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain
Transistors 2SC828A,R,Q,Y 2SC1815BL 2N5089 BC184C,L,LC BC239C BC239C BC327-40 2N5089
Clipping Diodes 1N914 1N914 1N4001 none, 1N4148 1N4148 1N4148 1N914, 1N914, 1N34A, 1N34A / 1N914, 1N914 1N914
Bypass Capacitors 330pF 470pF 560pF 470pF 560pF 560pF 560pF 470pF
Other Features   Input Buffer     Tone Bypass Switch, Mids1 Switch, Mids2 Switch Tone Bypass Switch, Mids1 Switch, Mids2 Switch Input Capacitor Switch, Coupling Capacitor Switch, BM/TB Switch, I/II/III Switch Pre-Gain Control, Focus Control, Mids Control


Derivative Circuits - C

Configuration Egyptian Pi Pink Pi P1 Pi Pork Pi Piglet Pi Supa Pi Nuclear Pi Pickled Pi KGB Pi
Original Circuit Black Arts Toneworks Pharaoh Skreddy Mayo Pete Cornish P-1 Skreddy P19 MojoHandFX Iron Bell Sola/Colorsound Supa Tonebender Earthbound Audio Supercollider Way Huge Swollen Pickle (original) Skullytone Russian Spy
Controls Volume, Tone, Distortion Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain  Volume, Tone, Sustain 
Transistors MPSA18 2N5089 BC549C BC550C BC550C BC184L,LC MPSA18 2N3904 KT3102EM
Clipping Diodes 1N914, 1N914 / 1N4001, 1N34A, 1N4001, 1N34A, 1N34A 1N914 1N914 1N914, 1N4148, 1N914, 1N4148 / 1N914, 1N4148, 1N914, 1N914, !n4148


none / 1N4148 1N914 / 1N4001 1N914 KD521V
Bypass Capacitors 470pF 470pF 470pF 560pF  560pF 470pF 470pF 470pF 500pF
Other Features Highs Control, Input Level Control, Diodes 1 Switch, Diodes 2 Switch Mids Switch Mids Switch Mids Switch Mids Control   Depth Control, Mids Control  

Diodes 1 Switch, Diodes 2 Switch, Emitter Lift Switch, Tone Bypass Switch


Derivative Circuits - D

Configuration Fire Pi JP4 Pi (1) Nitro Pi (1)
Original Circuit Mad Professor Fire Red Fuzz Skreddy Top Fuel (early-ish) Skreddy Top Fuel (later-ish)
Controls Volume, Tone, Fuzz Volume, Tone, Sustain Volume, Tone, Sustain
Transistors BC550C, 2N5485 BS170, BC109C BS170, 2N5089, BC239C
Clipping Diodes 2N3819, 1N4148 1N34A, 2N7000 2N7000, 1N914, 1N916
Bypass Capacitors 470pF / none 470pF 220pF / 560pF
Other Features      

(1) Skreddy Top Fuel seems to have undergone revisions over its lifetime, with changing components and values.  The JP4 and Nitro configurations are a couple of known configs. 





Some of our Options are a bit techy, intended for Big Muff Pi aficionados who want very specific Big Muff configurations.  You will probably need to look at schematics of various Big Muff Pi circuits and understand what the various components do in order to fully understand how those options work.

We obviously have many options available for this circuit.  The number of combinations, particularly considering the number of base configurations you can apply them to, is an extremely large number.  We cannot possibly test all those combinations.  We cannot tell you what they would all sound like.  Some options are physically incompatible because they impact the same part of the circuit.  If you select incompatible options, we will catch that during the order process.  There are probably lots of other mods we can support beyond the ones listed here.  If you have something in mind, just ask and we'll take a look to see if we can build it on our boards.

Some configurations include some options by default.  If you do not want those options in your configuration, let us know and we can remove them.  We may have to replace them with something else, so we'll consult with you about the replacements.  Usually, the price won't go up to omit an option.  In some cases, the price may go down, particularly if controls or switches are being removed.

It may be tempting to pile on lots of options to get the ultimate tweaker's Big Muff.  We can certainly add quite a number of them.  Generally we don't recommend that, though.  Many options add switches, connectors, pots, or other components that will eventually fail with normal usage.  You don't want to add lots of potential failure points.  Even though we take steps to reduce the introduction of noise in the circuit, adding lots of wired options will likely increase noise.  The more controls you have, the more difficult it is to dial in a particular tone.  It's best to figure out what which circuit you like, then select options that will give you useful variations of that circuit.

If you are thinking about multiple different configurations, think about the differences between the two configurations.  Perhaps we have options that could be added to one configuration that would give you the second one, too, or at least close to it.  That may have some $$$ and a bit of space in your enclosure.

  • Custom Components - By default, we use metal film resistors and a variety of capacitor types to provide lower-noise tone.  In specific circuit configurations, we try to use compatible capacitor types to the original circuits, when we know what they are, and if there was a specific type used consistently.  We do not try to match brands and styles - just technology and value.  Since there are so many Big Muff variations, this option can be used for a variety of purposes:  custom transistors, custom clipping diodes, component types, component values, etc.  You can basically design your own Big Muff by picking a base config and then using this option to specify individual components (refer to diagram above for component position names).
  • Carbon Comp Resistors - We can switch the metal film resistors to carbon comp for those that prefer them.  This is often a good choice in fuzz circuits, or at least that's our opinion.
  • No Stage 1 Bypass Capacitor - Normally there is a bypass capacitor on the input stage of Big Muff circuits.  This is often left off in Tonebender versions of Big Muff circuits.  This option leaves it off.
  • Stage 1 Bypass Capacitor Switch - This option gives you a switch.  One position has no input stage bypass capacitor, the other has whichever bypass capacitor is used in the selected base configuration (or some other value of your choosing).
  • Bypass Capacitors Switch - The feedback capacitors are a big factor in the overall tone of a particular Big Muff circuit.  They are found on the first three stages, although sometimes there isn't one on the input stage.  The configuration tables above show values used in various circuits.  Lower values allow more treble through, providing a more aggressive fuzz.  Larger values decrease the highs, providing a smoother fuzz.  The same size capacitor is normally used in all three stages.  Putting in different values has the effect of averaging the values, so usually just pick the value you want.  But you're free to choose different values.  Some Big Muff circuits have few differences other than these capacitors.  Some of the Sovtek Big Muffs are that way.  If you pick one of the Sovtek versions and use this option to put the feedback capacitors of another version on the switch, then you can effectively switch between two different Sovtek versions - a twofer.  Or if you have a favorite Big Muff circuit but would like to add a smoother or more aggressive flavor to it, you could do that with this option.  However, this option will provide little or no audible difference if you capacitor values are similar.  For example, switching between 430pF and 470pF is less than a 10% difference.  That can easily be lost in a fuzz.  Capacitor values usually have a larger tolerance than that, too.  That means they could end up being exactly or almost exactly the same with random-choice caps of a particular value.  We recommend you pick capacitor values with a bigger difference.  Because of the possibility of tolerances messing up the whole point of this option, we will test a pretty large number of individual caps to get them close to the values chosen.  That helps ensure that the difference is there.  We cannot ensure that you can hear the difference if they are close values, though.  This can be affected by other tone-sculpting options.
  • Clipping Diodes Switch - This option lets you choose between two different clipping diode configurations of your choice.  A third switch setting can be added for no clipping diodes.  You can do this for either of the two clipping stages or both.  You can have one switch for each stage, or a single switch that switches both stages together.  This option is for a single switch.  If you want two switches, add this option to your configuration twice.
  • Clipping Diodes Blend Control - This is like the Clipping Diodes Switch, but instead of a switch you get a potentiometer that adjusts the ratio between the two clipping configurations.  You can do this on one or both of the clipping stages individually, or have a single control which blends both stages at the same time.  This option is for a single control.  If you want two controls, add this option to your configuration twice.
  • Cornish Switches - This option adds the DiceWorks Muff Diver Finale Cornish Switches to other Pi configurations.  There are two switches, giving you four different coupling capacitor configurations.
  • Creamy Dreamer Mod - This is the mod made popular by the Sustain Punch Creamy Dreamer.
  • Creamy Dreamer Switch - We don't presently have the ability to fully switch on/off the Creamy Dreamer Mod.  But this mod lets you switch on/off most of the Creamy Dreamer mod, giving you the gain portion of the mod.
  • Input Level Switch - This mod lets you switch between two input levels.  You can select the second one to be higher or lower than the default level in your circuit config.  This is useful if you have a circuit that is overloaded by hot pickups or doesn't have enough push with low output pickups.
  • Input Capacitor Switch - This lets you change the input filtering to filter more or less highs out of the input.  You can choose to filter more or less than the default level in your circuit config.  Can use this to let in more bass (too much can get mushy/flubby/woofy) or filter out more bass to get a more aggressive sound.  This can be affected by other tone-sculpting options.
  • Input Capacitor Blend - Blend between two input capacitors (one high, one low) to give more control over the incoming bass content.  This can be affected by other tone-sculpting options.
  • Tone Stack - Several of the Big Muff variants have a different tone stack design.  They may use the standard Big Muff tone stack, just tweaking the values of the components.  Or they may use a different design altogether.  In addition to the standard Pi tone stack (used by the majority of the configurations), the following configurations have slightly different tone stack designs:  Egyptian Pi, British Pi, OD-850 Pi, OD-9 Pi, Pickled Pi, Supa Pi, and Dirt Pi.  You can select any of those alternate tone stack designs.  Doing so puts you into a custom configuration, which may be exactly what you want.  But you can also tweak values in the default tone stack for your configuration to perhaps stay close to the sound of that configuration.  This option is not presently switchable.
  • Tone Bypass - Don't want a Tone control or tone stack at all?  No problem.  We can leave it out completely.
  • Tone Bypass Switch - Gives you a switch to go around the tone stack in your configuration.  Your Tone control will do nothing when this is on, and will work normally when it is off.
  • Mids Switch - The standard Pi tone stack is mid-scooped.  This gives you the ability to switch between scooped, flat, or boosted.
  • Nuclear Mids Control - Add a variable Mids control like the one in the Nuclear Pi configuration.
  • Boosted Mids Control - Add a variable Mids control like the one in the Boosted Pi configuration.
  • Buffer - This option adds a buffer that is on or off when the effect is on or off.  You can choose the buffer type from our buffer modules.
  • Always On Buffer - Adds a buffer that is always on, whether or not the effect is on or off.  You can choose the buffer type from our buffer modules.
  • Switched Buffer - Adds a buffer that is switched on/off independently of the effect.  You can choose the buffer type from our buffer modules.
  • Input Boost - Add a Sonic Boom boost in front of the effect.  Also adds a Boost Level control.
  • Output Boost - Add a Sonic Boom boost after the effect.  Also adds a Boost Level control.
  • Switched Input Boost - Add a switchable Sonic Boom boost in front of the effect.  Also adds a Boost Level control.
  • Switched Output Boost - Add a switchable Sonic Boom boost after the effect.  Also adds a Boost Level Control.
  • Remove Option - Use this option to tell us about removing an option that you don't want that is included by default for your selected configuration.

Front Panel

There are many control possibilities, although the standard circuits almost all have Volume, Tone, and Sustain as defaults.  The configuration tables show other controls that are standard on specific configurations.

  • On/Off indicator LED
  • Volume
  • Tone
  • Sustain
  • (optional) Buffer On/Off indicator LED
  • (optional) Stage 1 Bypass Capacitor switch
  • (optional) Bypass Capacitors switch
  • (optional) Clipping Diodes switch
  • (optional) 2nd Clipping Diodes switch
  • (optional) Clipping Diodes Blend control
  • (optional) 2nd Clipping Diodes Blend control
  • (optional) Cornish switches (2)
  • (optional) Creamy Dreamer switch
  • (optional) Input Level switch
  • (optional) Input Capacitor switch
  • (optional) Input Capacitor Blend control
  • (optional) Tone Bypass switch
  • (optional) Mids switch
  • (optional) Nuclear or Boosted Mids control
  • (optional) Buffer switch
  • (optional) Input Boost switch
  • (optional) Input Boost Level control
  • (optional) Output Boost switch
  • (optional) Output Boost Level control

Rear Panel

  • Audio In
  • Audio Out
  • On/Off Footswitch
  • On/Off Override
  • DC Power
  • DC Power LED

Module Width

  • 1.5" standard
  • 2" or 3" with options
  • 2" left wing module and 1.5" right wing modules are available for 3-4 control configurations

Power Consumption (aprox)

8 - 30mA


Base Configurations

Part # Description List Price
MOD-PI-FIRST First Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-DELTA Delta Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-V13UF V1 3uF Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-BEAST Beast Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-GREEN Green Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-FOX Fox Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-V172 V1 72 Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-CLONE Clone Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-V247 V2 47 Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-V273 V2 73 Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-VIOLET Violet Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-PURPLE Purple Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-WHITE White Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-V275 V2 75 Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-V2751 V2 751 Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-BOX Box Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-V276 V2 76 Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-RED Red Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-BLACK Black Pi Module $225
MOD-PI-BYEBYE Bye Bye Pi Module $225
MOD-PI-ARMY Army Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-TALL Tall Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-BUBBLE Bubble Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-BIGBLK Big Black Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-PETITEBLK Petite Black Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-AMERICAN American Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-COLOSSAL Colossal Pi Module $230
MOD-PI-DREAM Dream Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-ELK Elk Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-VIXEN Vixen Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-BRITISH British Pi Module $255
MOD-PI-CORN Corn Pi Module $255
MOD-PI-TOP Top Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-DIRT Dirt Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-COW Cow Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-OD850 OD-850 Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-OD9 OD-9 Pi Module $255
MOD-PI-CREATOR Creator Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-JUMBO Jumbo Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-WCHUCK Woodchuck Pi Module $235
MOD-PI-RAM Ram Pi Module $235
MOD-PI-DIVER Diver Pi Module $240
MOD-PI-BOOSTED Boosted Pi Module $245
MOD-PI-EGYPTIAN Egyptian Pi Module $240
MOD-PI-PINK Pink Pi Module $225
MOD-PI-P1 P1 Pi Module $255
MOD-PI-PORK Pork Pi Module $225
MOD-PI-PIGLET Piglet Pi Module $230
MOD-PI-SUPA Supa Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-NUCLEAR Nuclear Pi Module $230
MOD-PI-PICKLED Pickled Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-KGB KGB Pi Module $240
MOD-PI-FIRE Fire Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-JP4 JP4 Pi Module $220
MOD-PI-NITRO Nitro Pi Module $220



Part # Description List Price
MOPT-PI-CC Custom Components $TBD
MOPT-PI-CCR Carbon Comp Resistors $10
MOPT-PI-NOBPCAP No Stage 1 Bypass Capacitor $0
MOPT-PI-BPCAPSW Stage 1 Bypass Capacitor Switch $19
MOPT-PI-FBCAPSW Feedback Capacitors Switch $19
MOPT-PI-CLIPSW Clipping Diodes Switch (1) $19 - TBD
MOPT-PI-CLIPBL Clipping Diodes Blend Control (1) $19 - TBD
MOPT-PI-CORNSW Cornish Switches (2) $29
MOPT-PI-CRDR Creamy Dreamer Mod $0
MOPT-PI-CRDRSW Creamy Dreamer Switch $19
MOPT-PI-INLEVSW Input Level Switch $19
MOPT-PI-INCAPSW Input Capacitor Switch $19
MOPT-PI-INCAPBL Input Capacitor Blend $19
MOPT-PI-TSTACK Tone Stack $0
MOPT-PI-TBYP Tone Bypass $0
MOPT-PI-TBYPSW Tone Bypass Switch $19
MOPT-PI-MIDSW Mids Switch $19
MOPT-PI-NUCMIDS Nuclear Mids Control $19
MOPT-PI-BOOSTMIDS Boosted Mids Control $19
MOPT-PI-BUFF Buffer $49
MOPT-PI-AOBUFF Always On Buffer $49
MOPT-PI-BUFFSW Switched Buffer $59
MOPT-PI-INBOOST Input Boost $49
MOPT-PI-OUTBOOST Output Boost $49
MOPT-PI-INBOOSTSW Switched Input Boost $59
MOPT-PI-OUTBOOSTSW Switched Output Boost $59